Tuesday, May 8, 2007

Joseph Beuys

Profesor assigned me to study about Beuye:
This is what i found in YOUTUBE, his famous performance: I like america.


Questions, more like thing i dont understand at teh moment:
1.fat chair
2.Tv set covered with felt and he is hitting the screen

and Barney Mathew's performances...


Rio Loiza said...

ji ,
tienes que escoger ya la otra disciplina, si es la sanidad espiritual, etc. lo que sea, Y tienes que empezar ya a intuir lo que quieres hacer, aunque no lo tengas pensado de punta a cabo.
Vamos a hablar.

Rio Loiza said...


etp210ji said...

Thank you, Profesor..
i did think about various things,, but seems like not so practical to carry out..

i looked at the grief management website, i thought that would be something i could do, make website for healing..since i do both, one for make living, one for life itself, hehe.

it will be future project i could think of. Thank you.

i have some ideas, but not so sure,,, i wiill post these ideas in blog